6 Ways To Live A Soul-Centered Life (the #unfuckwithable framework)

“Do not confuse a busy life for a meaningful one.” - Bob Goff

I remember the first time I read that quote, it about knocked me off my chair. It felt like the kind of honest that cuts right down to the bone. The reason it stung so much was because it was true. I was doing just that - staying super busy, distracting myself from the life I really wanted to live, chasing goals that didn’t actually matter and making decisions that I hoped would prove that I was worthy of the success I had worked so hard for.

I had no idea that my whole life has prepared me for living the exact opposite way - a deeply connected, Soul-centered life.

Like many of you out there reading this, you’re busy as fuck, and you most likely take pride in your busy schedule because it makes you feel important. You’re constantly on the go, hauling kids from swim lessons to friend’s houses, checking things off your list, and deep down beneath the grinding teeth and fake smile you’re feeling resentful, exhausted and depleted.

We’ve been taught this. We’ve been taught that exhaustion = good. We have been taught to believe we are not enough and it’s driving us to buy everything we can in hopes it will finally make us feel that way. We’ve been taught that hustling = worthiness, the harder we work the more worthy we become, the more we struggle, the better.

Too many of us are living being driven by our ego, sacrificing our integrity and values for likes and follows. We spend hours perfecting the pose, caption, comeback. We are living in competition with strangers on the internet, heartbreakingly comparing ourselves to everyone and their mom, striving, pushing, forcing, achieving, going, doing.

Here’s what scares me shitless: that we all get to the end of our lives and look around and go “what the fuck? Are you kidding me? We spent all that time scrolling Instagram, worrying about my hair in that post, scared about failing and worried about what everyone thought about me. All the while, I missed out on truly living my best life.”

Scary, right? These are the things that keep me awake at night.

What if we used all of that creative energy we put toward social media and all the things that ultimately do not matter toward creating our one meaningful, purposeful life? That is what Soul-centered living truly is.

In my exploration and journey really trying to understand and live a Soul-centered life, I discovered 6 themes that both elate me and scare the shit out of me (but not worse than living a superficial, ego-driven, unfulfilled life because that’s the ultimate fear in my book. Also, why are so few people scared about this?! I’m on a mission to change that).

Below are the 6 elements it takes to live a Soul-centered life and 6 questions to live Soul-centered daily:

  1. Joy - the more joy we schedule into our lives, the happier we become. Period. We should all be making more time for our joy but we aren’t because, you know, hustle.

    1. What joy have I been putting off that I can have right now? In other words, what joy is right in front of me ready for me to grab?

  2. Compassion - the real secret to productivity is compassion because if you want to get anything done, and joyfully, we can’t be talking shit to ourselves every step of the way.

    1. You’re smack dab in the middle of berating yourself for something “you’ve done wrong / bad / dumb.” As luck would have it, your Highest, kindest, most loving Self pipes in. What does She tell you? Write this mantra somewhere you can see it every second of the day!

  3. Savoring + Mindfulness - this is literally what it means to be alive. It means being present, being mindful, slowing down and listening to the messages from the universe, your Higher Self, your intuition.

    1. If I take a moment to really BE in my life, what do I notice? What do I hear, feel, taste, see, smell?

  4. Courage - living a Soul-centered life takes guts. It’s easy to be superficial and fake. It’s so much harder to go deep, to be vulnerable, speak up, show up and live courageously.

    1. What would the courageous decision be in this moment?

  5. Trust + Worthiness - when we trust and know we are worthy, we relax, and when we relax, we are happier, and when we are happier, we attract in beautiful experiences, and when we attract in beautiful experiences we live a beautiful, Soul-centered life.

    1. What would I do and who would I be if I 100% trusted myself and knew that no matter what I would be completely ok?

  6. Unapologetic Authenticity - giving yourself full permission to be 100% fully self expressed, embodied and never apologizing for who you are.

    1. How can I be more unapologetic for who I am today? How can I give all the stories, expectations and judgments the middle finger and step even more firmly into who I am - no apologies?

My theory, which I can attest to along with some amazing empowered women, is that when we feel confident, assured, and safe in each one of these areas we feel unfuckwithable with reaching our goals. These foundational concepts are the cornerstone of success and abundance. They are the cornerstone to a healthy life in mind, body and Soul. They are what have kept my foundation strong in good times and bad. This is what it looks like to like to live a unique, holistic and happy life.

Which one of these excites you the most about Soul-centered living? Comment below!

In my opinion, there is only one way in which you can live best, most fulfilled and joyful life and that is being Soul-centered. Between you and me, sometimes I wish it wasn’t true, because dammit it is hard. Yet every single time I choose myself and my Soul, I build more confidence, I connect deeper with my joy and I feel powerful as fuck - all ways I want to feel. You, too? Choose to live Soul-centered with me and 30 other empowered women today.