Unique Holistic Happiness

Empowerment + Life Coach. Mindfulness Teacher. Journal Junkie. Lover of the word fuck.

Photo credit: Bella Winkler

Photo credit: Bella Winkler

You should know right off the bat: I’m empathetic, passionate, foul-mouthed and spiritual as fuck. I ride the very fine line between woo and whoa, feminine and masculine, and what I love most is teaching ambitious, busy, overachieving women (much like myself) how to step away from overwhelm / doing / busyness and center their lives around their joy.

You don’t need to do more, you need to do less with more joy.


How will you live your one wild and precious life?


Then. This question slapped me right upside the head in 2014. In the midst of my chaotic, idiotic pursuit of “success” I burned the fuck out and realized happiness didn’t come in the way of a paycheck, relationship, ‘perfect’ body or, quite frankly, anything outside of myself.

I was spending my one wild and precious life going through the motions and based on others’ definitions of happiness.

Now. Although the productivity = worthiness cycle is a hard habit to break, I’m doing it. I’ve (mostly) stopped making decisions to make others happy. I put joy at the top of my to-do list and I center my life around slowing down and spiritual self care. Why? Because I finally know I’m worth it.

And you are too. We’ve got one wild and precious life to live and I want us to live it empowered, joyful and authentically.


For Busy Bitches Searching For Joy + Calm


image by the amazing Bella Winkler

The Journal Shop


Journaling Courses + Workshops


Weekly Mindfulness Meditation


About Your Girl:

Ashley Looker

A few fun things about your Coach!

I’ve been to 12 countries, New Zealand and Greece top that list.

I feel most alive when I’m listening to live music and attended Coachella 11 years in a row, way before it was cool. Forever in love with these guys.

I love doing weird shit. Life is short, ya know?

My first love. My one and only.

My Soul Nourishment needs include: coffee, staring at the ocean, dancing, adventures to far-away places, learning, my blankie, yoga, deep meaningful conversation, empowering women and journaling.

My close friends call me Balls. Don’t ask.

Awkward family photos.

I know we may not have met, but I'm obsessed with the potential of getting to know you and supporting you on this crazy life journey. Would you DM me and tell me a bit about yourself? I'd seriously love to know.