Are You Wild & Free?


July's theme in The Year Of Awakening was Wild + Free 🌲 As I was going through my content and putting together the daily prompts, Journal Party slides and weekly polls I realized this theme has been something I've loved for many, many years - dating all the way back to 2011 when I created one of my first programs called, you guessed it, Wild + Free. 


No doubt, the idea of being wild and free has changed since 2011. Back then, wild and free meant drinking several nights a week, dancing on bars til the wee hours with my besties and, generally speaking, just not giving a fuck 😆 There was a different kind of freedom that came with those days. It looked a lot like detachment, numbing, and straight up wildin' out. Oh, how I sometimes long for those days 😂 - but I would never go back. Would you? 


These days I get to enjoy freedom in what I believe is the true sense of the word - by being financially stable, untethered by society's standards, creating my own schedule and freely expressing who I am through my words, tattoos, my style, my business and my daily choices. 


Wild, on the other hand, has a similar, yet different expression for me. The Wild Woman archetype represents a woman before domestication or conditioning takes place. We all begin this life unconditioned, as a whole Soul. Unfortunately, as we get older women tend to lose their voice, fall victim to dieting culture and perfectionism and believe that our inherent worth is conditional based on looks, children, relationship status, weight, intellect and so on.


Wild for me these days looks like completely dismantling and destroying all the ways society has tamed my wild spirit. All the “toos” - too sensitive, too independent, too bossy, too promiscuous, too passive, too loud, too masculine, too feminine 🤮 All the conditions I've accepted as truth over the years 🖕 All the bullshit ways I've unconsciously kept myself small 👊

To be wild means to be the full, unapologetic expression of who you are on this planet. It means to be embodied, loyal to yourself, unapologetically authentic, and ultimately, whoever the fuck you want to be. That's your choice. That's what it means to be wild and free. 


P.S. I do still like to dance on the occasional table 😉💃

Journal on this: Who would you be if you were wildly free? 

Interested in learning more about The Year Of Awakening. Check out all the goodness right here

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