5 Happiness Rituals For The Spring Equinox 2021

The Spring Equinox is one of my favorite times of the year - it’s the time of year when it’s all about new beginnings, starting fresh and tapping into exciting possibilities. As a Pisces, I lovelovelove to dream and scheme about what’s possible. Honestly, I can get a little too lost in thinking about my future and what I want to do with my life without ever taking action.

The Spring Equinox is a great time to take all those dreams and possibilities that have been floating around in the ethers, and plant them in the soil. Now’s the time to take those intentions you’ve been thinking about and plant them in the fertile ground of inspired action.

And because we are all about happiness around here at Unique Holistic Happiness, I wanted to give you five Happiness Rituals to help you welcome the season of spring. Not to mention, after a year like 2020 and all the chaos, tragedy and heartbreak we have felt as a result of COVID-19, we could stand to establish more happiness into our daily life, right?

Over the course of the next week (March 19th - 26th) engage in one (or all!) of these happiness rituals to feel more inspired, energetic and welcome the possibility that spring has to offer:

  • Take a walk and look for signs that spring is here.

Look around you! New life is staring to emerge from the hibernation of winter. Trees are blooming, the weather is warming, grass is starting to grow again, birds are singing. While on your walk, heighten your sense of sight, sound and smell. Really notice the colors you see. The bright green of the grass, the yellow of the daffodils, the blue sky. Breathe in the fresh air and notice what you smell. Maybe you can smell the fresh cut grass or clean water after a spring rain. And notice what you hear. Is someone mowing the grass? Are the birds chirping? Are kids playing? In the true spirit of spring, bring your senses to life.

  • Buy fresh flowers from your local market.

This is actually something I am trying to do more often - not just during the Sprig Equinox. But nonetheless, make a quick trip to your local market and pick out some vibrant flowers. Their color, smell and life will be a reminder that rebirth, opportunity and possibility are here and yours for the taking!

  • Dance.

For centuries, people have welcomed spring (and birth) through celebratory dance. Over the next several days, put on some of your favorite songs and allow yourself to dance and celebrate the coming of spring!! After a long, dark winter, the arrival of spring truly is means for celebration!

  • Journal on this happiness prompt for 5 minutes:

What do I believe is possible for me? How can I birth or bring this to life starting today?

  • Get rid of 21 items for 3 days in a row.

It’s time to clean out that junk drawer, clean the dust bunnies from the corners and rid yourself of the heavy energy that winter often carries. Your Soul is starting to awaken from it’s wintery sleep and to enliven your spirit, spend the next 3 days getting rid of 21 things. You are going to feel so light, spacious and energized when you do!

If you want to bring in the Spring Equinox with self reflective journaling, meditation and connection with like-minded happy individuals, join me on Saturday March 20th, 2021 on Insight Timer for my Spring Equinox Meditation + Journal Writing!