The Power Of Tiny Choices

Last Thursday I woke up feeling a bit…funky. I'm not really sure why and that's beside the point. As I laid in bed staring blankly at the ancient map on my light yellow wall, my tired head propped up on my closed fist, I realized I had a couple choices: 

  1. I could ignore the funkiness completely and tell it to fuck off.

  2. I could explore it, journal on it, meditate on it, and try to understand why I was feeling this way, or,

  3. I could choose to be with it AND happiness at the same time.

There was no wrong choice. But I started with a tiny one. I channeled my inner Mel Robbins and counted myself down and out of bed - 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. Tiny choice number one. 

As I started my usual morning routine I realized I just wasn't feeling it, it wasn't what I truly needed, so instead of forcing myself through it, I stopped, put on music and sat on the back patio for 10 minutes watching the hummingbirds fight for their spot on the feeder. Tiny choice number two. 

As the coffee started to kick in, I wrote a gleaming review for a purchase I recently made, sent a Vox message to a friend who I sensed needed some words of encouragement and took myself for a leisurely walk. Tiny choices number 3, 4 and 5. 

While on my walk I realized my knee was sore so I slowed down and decided I'd cut my walk a little short. Tiny, loving choice number 6. 

Within 38 minutes of being out of bed, I already felt a bit better. Was my day perfect? No. But those tiny choices add up. A choice to breathe, to write, to walk, to call, to slow down, to withdraw, to rest, to start, to stop - they add up. 

Don't fall for the misconception in our culture that everything has to be so fucking big. Tiny is big, too.  

What tiny, loving choice can you make right now? 

**put it in the comments below!