It’ll Cost You: A New Life


I was scrolling the other day when something struck me square in the chest. It read:


“your new life is going to cost you your old one.” 

Your “old life,” although outdated, dusty and frustrating as hell, feels cozy and familiar. Your new life, although exciting, desirable and full of possibility, feels uncertain and scary. 


It can feel like there is such a gap between where we are now and where we want to be. And within that gap I've personally found immense discomfort, resistance and messiness. Your old life can be relentless. It will come calling, again and again and again and again, schmoozing you to come back to the old rusted lifestyle and dull day-to-day habits. It doesn't matter. We must continue to answer the call to what's possible now. 


Your new life depends on it. 


Your new life will cost you your shitty limiting beliefs, your self doubt, your lack of confidence. Your new, blossoming life that is full of incredible potential and joy will cost you toxic relationships, toxic thoughts and unhealthy habits.


And that's the best expense I could ever imagine ✌️

Journal on this: The dream life that I am creating and designing will require…

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