Give Yourself The Green Light

Since returning from a long holiday weekend, I've been feeling a bit frazzled and scattered. And because of that I was unsure what I would write about today - then, of course, it hit me.

When I started my business back in 2013 (?!) I had no idea how it would all pan out. I didn't have a clue what I was doing. Honestly. I've practiced holistic health coaching, eating psychology coaching, NLP coaching, empowerment coaching and happiness coaching. Yet, when I look back at all the coaching I've done, there is one consistent part of my coaching practice - journaling.

Over the past 18 months since the pandemic started, I feel like I've been thrown into one big existential crisis. WHO AM I?! WHY AM I HERE? HOW CAN I MAKE A DIFFERENCE? DO I MATTER? And among all the big questions, I've been getting the answers…

But, I've been procrastinating. That shitty little voice has been holding me back saying things like, there are already amazing humans doing what you want to do, and doing it better.

True! And, fuck it 🖕

I'm giving myself the green light to focus more and more on journaling - and it's incredible what happens when you decide to follow your heart.

One big example: The Journal Party was off the fucking hook this last month and participants are saying things like “joining the Journal Party was one of the best decisions I've made recently.” I mean, if that doesn't tell you this journaling experience isn't life changing I don't know what is! I've also purchased four new journaling books and an art journaling kit - yeah, I ran through my learning budget pretty damn quick this month!! 😅

Moral of the story: Nobody can do your art. Nobody has your magic. Your art and your magic matters. Be brave, keep going.

Drop those comments below and let me know the answer to this question! 👇

Where do I need to give myself the green light?